Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm Just a Bill

I found the Schoolhouse Rock video about how a bill becomes that law we discussed in Law class on Thursday. It is your basic late 1960s animation, but I still like it. The file is a Windows Media file so it may not play nice with the Mac... It is always a bit iffy. It is a big file so it may take a few minutes to buffer it before it plays. If it is too big here is a link to a postage-stamp version. It was so dreadful I found it unwatchable.

I thought I would also include one of my favorite videos of my kids when we visited the Vancouver Aquarium in 2000. I was always surprised how many hits it got when I posted it on my family webpage. It is my oldest daughter's introduction to reptile affection. I am saving it for prom night in a few years.

Schoolhouse Rock video

Vancouver Aquarium